For those in recovery, New Year’s Eve can be the hardest holiday to stay sober through. Celebrations are often filled with friends, family, drugs, alcohol and pressure.
Here are some tips for avoiding the temptation to relapse during the holidays.
- Make a plan. Schedule a 12-step meeting, or at least a call to your sponsor, before and after key holiday events and parties.
- Be discriminating. Accept invitations for events that will put you together with people who will support your sobriety. Shun those where you know people will be drinking excessively or taking drugs.
- Keep your hands full — of a safe drink of your choice. Prepare and hold your own beverage to avoid friends shoving alcoholic drinks at you.
- Choose your company. Stay away from people you know are going to offer you alcohol or drugs. And avoid or walk away from people who make you angry or bring you down.
- Stay strong. Fortify your emotional defenses by stepping up your fitness program. Get plenty of rest. Eat well and exercise. Take time to relax. A few moments of meditation works wonders in terms of relieving stress.
- Get Outta There. Have an excuse ready to exit a gathering at which you feel uncomfortable, so you can leave on a moment’s notice without offending anyone. People understand there are always a lot of chores to do around the holidays and will give you a pass.
- Give thanks. Year’s end is the perfect time to reflect on the things and people for which we are grateful. Put yourself at the top of the list, for the incredible achievement of staying sober for how many days or months it has been. Taking time to own and savor your accomplishment will help keep you firmly on your path.
For additional assistance with substance use contact DeKalb CSB at 404-892-4646.
Happy Holidays!
Cutler, Steve. “Avoiding Relapse Over the Holidays.”Http:// N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Dec. 2015.